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What should I do if my child is ill? Should they come to school?


The table below will help all parents decide what they should do if their child is ill.  Please make sure that you follow this advice at all times and, if you suspect that you child is showing symptoms of COVID-19, your child MUST NOT attend school until it is safe to do so.

A reminder that the school absence line is 01305 848293.

What to do if...

Action needed...

Return to school when... child has COVID-19 symptoms

- Do not come to school

- Contact school to inform us

- The child must self-isolate.  If other members of the household are under 18 or double jabbed with a COVID vaccination they do not need to self-isolate.

- Get a COVID-19 test

- Inform school immediately about the test result

...the test comes back negative.


If a child tests positive for COVID-19 see the row below. child tests positive for COVID-19

- Do not come to school

- Contact school to inform us

- Agree an earliest date for possible return (10 days after symptoms started).

- The child will need to self-isolate.  If other members of the household are under 18 or double jabbed with a COVID vaccination do not need to self-isolate.

… 10 days after the symptoms started as long as they feel well.  They can return after 10 days even if they still have a cough or loss of taste/smell as these symptoms can last for several weeks. child tests negative

- Contact school to inform us

- Discuss when your child can come back (same/next day)

...the test comes back negative and your child feels well enough to return.

... my child is ill with symptoms not linked to COVID-19 (sickness and/or diarrhoea).

- Do not come to school

- Contact school to inform us

- Ring on each day of the illness

… after 48 hours  following the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea, as per attendance policy.

... my child is ill with symptoms not linked to COVID-19 (runny nose and/or sore throat).

- Check temperature and for symptoms of COVID-19

- If no COVID-19 symptoms, come to school if well enough

- If not well enough, ring on each day of illness

… they feel better and are showing no symptoms of COVID-19.

… we/my child has travelled and has to self-isolate as a period of quarantine.

- Do not take unauthorised leave in term time

- Consider requirements and FCO advice when booking travel.

Returning from a destination where quarantine is needed -

- Agree an earliest date for possible return. (Min 14 Days)

- Self-isolate the whole household

...the quarantines period of 14 days has been completed.

… we have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding

- Do not come to school

- Contact school to inform us

- Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifted and shielding is paused again

...restrictions have been lifted and your child can return to school again.